Home / Daily of Meumeut / 65: Tokyo Matcha Selection Tea - SUPER VALUE: Wholesale-
[Decaffeinated] Standard Houjicha 1 kg (2.205 lbs) Roasted Green Tea
from Japan [Standard ship by SAL: NO tracking]
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Tokyo Matcha Selection Tea - SUPER VALUE: Wholesale- [Decaffeinated] Standard Houjicha 1 kg (2.205 lbs) Roasted Green Tea from Japan [Standard ship by SAL: NO tracking]. Das beliebte Produkt ist derzeit verfgbar. Zu diesem gnstigen Preis, kommt Tokyo Matcha Selection Tea - SUPER VALUE: Wholesale- [Decaffeinated] Standard Houjicha 1 kg (2.205 lbs) Roasted Green Tea from Japan [Standard ship by SAL: NO tracking] hufig empfohlen, und es ist eine beliebte Wahl unter den meisten Menschen. Dont Zeit verschwenden, nehmen Sie es auf den Link unten, um immer besonderes Angebot.
Roasted green tea, or houjicha, is delicious, this is standard type.
For Wholesale Business and Cafe, Daily Drink.
Houjicha, or roasted green tea, is made by roasting sencha, bancha, or sometimes kukicha (twigs) over a fire in a pot at high temperature until the tea leaves turn reddish-brown.
This process reduces the astringency and bitterness, bringing out the light, toasty flavor, while lowering the caffeine contained in the tea.
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[Decaffeinated] Standard Houjicha 1 kg (2.205 lbs) Roasted Green Tea
from Japan [Standard ship by SAL: NO tracking]
65: Tokyo Matcha Selection Tea - SUPER VALUE: Wholesale-
[Decaffeinated] Standard Houjicha 1 kg (2.205 lbs) Roasted Green Tea
from Japan [Standard ship by SAL: NO tracking]
Rating: 4.5
Posted by: kepetmini